Facebook Advertising in Boise, Idaho


Diamond Modern Media is has strategies and experience to get you customers from the Internet quickly... at a profit.

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Looking to grow your local business that serves three states or less?

Look no further than our PPC services!

 Our team has a track record of successfully managing ads for local businesses across the United States and Canada. We understand how to get your business in front of potential clients precisely when they are searching.

At Diamond Modern Media, we employ Ad-Direction, coupled with top industry practices and skilled client managers, to increase ad spend efficiency by a whopping 600%.

Let us help you maximize your advertising budget and drive real results for your business.

Advertising Platforms

Advertise my business locally online


PPC is an abbreviation for pay-per-click, which is a type of online advertising where you are charged based on interactions with the ad. Essentially, you pay only if a person clicks on your ad, shares it, or does something you identify as a valuable action.

Some of the most common PPC ads are Google AdWords and Bing Ads, which appear alongside search results. Social media advertising is also skyrocketing, and the most popular platforms among businesses include Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

If setup properly, PPC is a great source of relevant and consistent traffic. 

Here is why:

PPC Campaigns are Measurable...

You can always estimate the approximate amount of traffic you can get for a particular advertising budget based on keyword research or reach provided by the platform.

When you partner with our pay-per-click services, we provide strategic bid management. 

Based on your industry, as well as your products and services, your dedicated account manager makes data-backed decisions when it comes to managing and determining your bid, per your monthly ad spend.

The data-driven approach of our PPC agency allows us to maximize your return on investment (ROI).

You always know exactly what you're getting with PPC ads because you have all the data in front of you, including the cost of every click, the amount of traffic generated, and the number of conversions you enjoy. 

The data allows you to easily calculate your ROI and fine-tune your PPC campaign as needed.

Campaigns are Customizable...That’s right! You can easily customize your campaign and exclude traffic that doesn’t meet your expectations. No need to invest in keywords and segments that don't return anything on your investment.

We have spent hundreds of hours analyzing consumer behavior in order to produce landing pages and websites that are centered around one thing:

Increasing your sales by delivering you more leads.

Best Idaho Marketing company

N O T   J U S T   A   P R E T T Y  F A C E.

Lead Generation Boise


Are you a business that thrives off phone calls such as an electrician, taxi or restaurant? You'll love our websites and ad campaigns with phone calls at the center.


Do you have a longer sales cycle or do your users usually request additional information before becoming a client? Our form-driven websites are a great way to capture those leads.


As a part of our services, our pay-per-click advertising firm targets anywhere from 400 to 10,000 keywords. The number of keywords targeted depends on several factors, including your PPC management plan, market, and services or products.

Local Pay per click marketing

Why We Should Manage Your PPC Campaigns...

✔️   We Can Save You Money

✔️   Diamond Modern Media has over 10 years of expertise running various PPC campaigns in most B2B and B2C niches. We make our clients' campaigns an average of 25 percent more efficient compared with other agencies

✔️   We are flexible

✔️  We work with campaigns ranging from only a few hundred dollars to thousands. No matter how big or small your budget, we can help you.

✔️  We care about Your ROI & help you increase revenue.

✔️   We don't just run your PPC campaign for you -- we think about what stands behind it, including your business and the money you invest. No matter how much money you invest in your campaign, ROI is the only thing that matters and we do everything we can to improve it. We Have Proven Expertise.

✔️   We have DoubleClick for Advertisers (DFA) certification, and are Facebook, Google and Bing Ads experts. Through our extensive training and results, we have proven our expertise. 

✔️   We have extensive technical background.

*Using Google API, Adobe Media Optimizer, and a host of other tools and technologies, we ensure the highest ROI and efficiency possible for your PPC campaign

Best advertiser in Boise, Idaho

What you Get with PPC Services from Diamond Modern Media:

  Quick setup and adjustment of your account, allowing you to start generating revenue immediately

  Precise targeting to attract only motivated potential customers

  Appealing ads with highly relevant messages

  Regular analysis for adjustment and improvement

  In-depth analytical reports

  Flexible terms and conditions


What should my PPC budget be?

This is a very common question we get asked when someone calls us. Small and Medium sized business’, depending on WHO your clients/customers/patients are and WHERE they are will answer this question. Below are the budget ranges for general types and sizes of businesses. This is NOT a rule, but general SEO budget ranges that most of our clients over the past several years fall into are listed below.


Small Business with Local Customers

$500-$1,500 per month

Medium Business with Local OR Regional Customers

$1,500-$5,000 per month

Medium/Large Business OR eCommerce with National Customers

$4,000-8,000 per month

Enterprise Business with National Focus

$10,000 and Up

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